O przedmiocie

Napoleon's Old Guard Chasseurs - 60 szt.

Figurki plastikowe

Skala 28 mm

Do sklejenia i pomalowania

Zestaw nie zawiera farb i kleju

The set contains 60 figures. Positions included in the box are:

4 officers
4 standard bearers
4 drummers
16 firing line, firing, priming and loading
16 march attack with arms fully attached
16 either march attack or advancing at porte/charge

Of course any arm can be used on any figure, giving you the option to make many more positions than listed.

Stan Nowy
Wydawca Victrix
System Inne systemy
Nazwa Napoleon's Old Guard Chasseurs
Zgłoś naruszenie zasad
Oferta: 6f312530-8821-4810-90f1-6c0c76b5a644

Inne systemy
